Young Speedway Journalist Academy at III High School in Bydgoszcz

05.09.2024 10:00Content translated automatically
Young Speedway Journalist Academy at III High School in Bydgoszcz

III General Secondary School named after Adam Mickiewicz in Bydgoszcz has partnered with Speedway Ekstraliga – the company managing the PGE Ekstraliga and Metalkas 2. Speedway Leagues.

From September 2024 to May 2025, free classes will be held on the premises of the school located in the Okol district of Bydgoszcz as part of the Young Speedway Journalist Academy. All this to introduce students to the secrets of journalism, and above all, to promote speedway. The school and the league have signed a special agreement, prepared a program of activities, a motivational system, and tasks for students.

The primary goal of the classes is the learning of journalism basics and is mainly addressed to students who are interested in sports, especially speedway. The program includes, among others, practical exercises in writing texts, using social media, analyses, and activities on specific examples from the world of speedway league, the work of journalists, or the media market situation.

Speedway Ekstraliga announces that the most talented participants will also have the chance to personally try their hand at competitions as reporters or journalists, debut on the pages of – and also be invited along with a companion to next year’s league and Grand Prix events in Warsaw to see how the media operate at the biggest speedway event in our country.

We hope that the group will include real speedway enthusiasts, people who will be journalists in the future, we want to give them a chance quickly, as that is currently the benchmark for the development of young people, and the school, named after Adam Mickiewicz, perfectly fits the project’s profile – says Przemyslaw Szymkowiak, Director of Media and PR at Speedway Ekstraliga, who will lead the classes.

We will keep you updated on the progress of the young journalism students.


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